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Turnt Up Breaking News Mobile Android App

The avalanche of news that breaks each day can feel overwhelming, but with the right apps at hand,...

What Is Breaking News?

Breaking news is a sub-genre of journalism that prioritizes continuous updates and an overall...

Ethical Considerations for the Use of AI in News Media

AI algorithms can help increase the speed and accuracy of news reporting. They can also be used to...

A Guide to the Red Doll Cat

Whether you're a seasoned pet owner or have recently acquired a red doll cat, there are some things to know about these playful felines. Here's an overview of their health and care requirements. You'll also discover what makes them such a great pet choice. You can't...

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THE RED DOLL CAT is a cat breed that has its origins in the early 1960s when Ann Baker first bred them. She mated a white Angora-like cat named Josephine with the sons of a Persian cat called Blackie. She also crossed a Persian-like Daddy Warbucks with a Birman-like...

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Sugar Snap Pea Gardening Tips

Growing sugar snap peas in your garden doesn't require much work. You don't need to fertilize them at all, and soil preparation for the first few years is minimal. When it comes time to pick sugar snap peas, you want to pick them when the pods are swollen. If you wait...

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